The Program

22 days of in-person training, online small group work and online supervision

1Program overview

  • Six in-person 3- or 4-days retreats in the beautiful Heart House near Amsterdam, The Netherlands (22 days in total)
  • Special Guest Faculty connected to the themes of the retreats in the fields of Organizational Development, Leadership Development and Personal Energy management
  • A Workbook with the theoretical background, worksheets and recordings from our online sessions
  • Small-group intervision work, online
  • Supervision sessions, online
  • Online constellation facilitation
  • Access to a special website with a library with extensive resources by thought leaders in the fields of Systemic Intelligence®, systemic organizational change, systemic coaching and constellation work
  • Recognition and Certification by Constellators International®

2The impact of getting Systemic Intelligence®

By participating in THE FULL DOWNLOAD facilitator certification training, you will have a unique chance to receive the depth of 22 years of experience and development plus the latest on Systemic Intelligence® and Organizational Constellations to serve organizations and their leaders in an ever increasing complex and intertwined work field.
You learn to see and read organizations as living systems, you start seeing the interconnections that run the deeper patterns, both for flow towards and restriction of the organization’s success. You receive an additional new way to see what you’ve never realized was always there. Being able to see with new eyes has a significant impact in supporting your clients.


  • The stance of the systemic facilitator and coach
    • Embodiment, systemic intuition, white space awareness, systemic sensing and your own systemic energy management
  • Systemic Intelligence®
    • The 4 systemic principles that help restore flow in the human-made systems
  • Facilitating constellations with representatives, objects, through visualizations and online
  • Sensing and seeing deeper dynamics and entanglements in various systems
    • Organizations, teams, your personal and ancestral system, family organizations, NGO’s etc.
  • Discerning between and recognizing various systemic streams and trauma fields in organizations
  • Defining the ‘relevant system’ for the solution
  • Identifying the acupuncture point of the systemic weight and/or unintegrated energy
  • Systemic interventions and systemic nudging via the systemic “acupuncture” approach” (Small nudges that have the whole system move)
  • Learning to use the power of healing sentences and healing movements
  • Getting a deeper embodied understanding of your own systemic blueprint and becoming more system-sensitive
  • And more… there is always more, as this training is emergent

NB The training has a maximum capacity for 18 participants to allow in-depth and personal learning and guidance.

This invites you

1To look at your own systemic relational field

When you choose to become a certified systemic facilitator/coach, you will also go through a transformation process yourself. In the training you will experience all exercises and processes in order to become that embodied larger vessel for your systemic intuition and growing Systemic Intelligence®.
Serving more flow in organisations needs you to become more in flow with yourself, your past and the emerging future.
This will allow you to create a safe experiential environment for and with your clients. An environment that allows you and your clients to look at their systems with new and different eyes to create new and different results.

2To become systemically intelligent

Being able to understand the symptoms that make up the dynamics and navigate the complexity of your clients’ issues will make you a true asset for your clients. The power and secret of systemic facilitations lies in the seemingly small interventions that lead to breakthroughs in complex organizational challenges.
Differentiating the symptoms from the entanglements helps you to find and recognize the systemic acupuncture points of flow restoration. A systemic acupuncture point only needs a small and simple nudge to restore the energy flow in the system. So, no big interventions, just gentle nudging at the right level. Understanding if this point needs a relief or a stimulation is one of the skills of the systemically intelligent facilitator.

3To learn to translate systemic transformational information for executives, teams and organizations

Having experience with teams and organizational facilitation is a pre-requisite, so you can build on a foundation of basic experience of working at a senior level in organizations. The power of this program will also invite you to shed some of your current beliefs about the solutions and answers you used to offer until today.
You will learn to listen and translate the information your clients provide you with, in a new way.
This program helps you to respond in a way that the client can, through embodied experience, realize that the real answers can only be found at a deeper and more subtle level. This also offers the opening for new solutions. Bringing these subtle dynamics to light requires very skillful facilitation.
Nudging a system instead of intervening in a process or replacing a leader requires a different facilitator or leadership stance. Making explicit what was implicit helps them to see their world with different eyes, and so will you.

The 6 Key Elements

  1. The stance of the systemic facilitator/coach
  2. Systemic Intelligence®
  3. Systemic intuition
  4. Systemic listening and healing sentences
  5. Reading the light lines of organizations
  6. A rich variety of constellation and other systemic processes

Small group work

During the training you will form smaller groups to work on client cases, intervision and a systemic project

Online supervision

Online supervision sessions (once in every free month we are not meeting or vacationing)


All in-person retreats will take place in the Heart House near Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

The 6 Modules (in person)

  • MODULE 1
    Systemic Intelligence®: The deeper foundation of systemic work and the basics of constellations, systemic language and systemic movements.
    (4 days) October 6-9, 2025 (Monday -Thursday)
  • MODULE 2
    The stance of the systemic facilitator/coach; becoming the cleanest Vessel possible.
    (3 days) January 13-15, 2026 (Tuesday-Thursday)
  • MODULE 3
    Reading the Light lines (1): Organizational and Systemic Intelligence® constellations and nudging the system.
    (4 days) March 16-19, 2026 (Monday -Thursday)
  • MODULE 4
    Collective and organizational trauma, collective resourcing practices and societal theme constellations retreat.
    (4 days) July 6-9, 2026 (Monday -Thursday)
  • MODULE 5
    Systemic work with teams, purpose, culture and Systemic Structure Constellations (Syst®).
    (3 days) October 6-8, 2026 (Tuesday-Thursday)
  • MODULE 6
    Systemic integration in organizational rituals.
    ((4 days) January 11-14, 2027 (Monday -Thursday)